My novel – Mortal Tether – has officially made it to #1 in 3 categories on Amazon! 🤯
As of this writing, it is *almost* breaking top 1,000 free books on Amazon (We’re at #1047 right now!)

I wanted to say that though I have set a lofty goal of Top 100 I hope to reach, this is about so much more than the number… this experience has been incredible. All this love and support has made my heart so full. I’ve had people comment to tell me they had wanted to read my book for a while and are now excited to have the chance…. others told me they got a copy for their kid…. and still others told me they have a physical book but wanted an ebook too!!!
Writing is solitary work… but this… what’s happening right now… I feel the love, encouragement, and support of SO MANY PEOPLE around me, standing by my side, lifting me up… Believing in oneself is important – but having your friends believe in you too… that’s an incredible gift. It’s a gift you all have given to me. I am so grateful for each and every one of you. ♥️
When my book was first released, part of me was so afraid that no one would read it. As an author, you might pour years of your life into your debut novel, that whole time spent not knowing how your work will be received when it’s done… and sometimes that finish line feels like it’s on the other side of the moon. When you get there, you don’t know if anyone will even notice. But something inside you says *I must write this story anyway.*
For me, I spent 5 years on Mortal Tether and 2 years before that cutting my teeth on my fantasy novel… and now… to see people *wanting* my book and sharing it with their family and friends… My story being in people’s hands and living in their imaginations… It’s magic. It’s pure magic.
You’ve all brought me such joy. Thank you. ♥️
Are books still available?
Mortal Tether will be FREE as an eBook on Amazon from November 24 – 28th! In order to download it, you must use either the kindle store (via your eReader) or Amazon on desktop. You can’t complete the kindle download from the Amazon APP on mobile.
All Amazon stores (even those in other countries) have the free ebook available! Just search for “Mortal Tether” on Amazon in your country!
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